Films du GREC

L’ ours et la petite mariée de Jean-Claude Taki

Doc, Fic - 1996 - Noir & Blanc et Couleur - 35 mm - 10 min

Image : Vincent Bataillon
Son : Jean-Claude Taki
Montage : Christian Barani
Musique : Cohachiro Miyata
Scénario : Jean-Claude Taki

Synopsis : Que sont devenus les Tsiganes dans l’ex-Yougoslavie' Je ne sais pas. Alors je me souviens, hier, demain…

Disponible auprès de : Agence du court métrage, Forum des Images
Jean-Claude Taki
Jean-Claude Taki lives and works in Paris. Musician at first, he has worked on many films (short and documentary films) as a sound operator and composed soundtracks.
At the same time, he made his own films for which he received prizes in French and Foreign films festivals. Then he made his first feature film "Aurore/Number 9". Since 2005, invited by the Forum des images in Paris, he has continued his work as a filmmaker and has extended his search for new formal and narrative ways of filmmaking by using a mobile phone as a camera. His films are then shown as well in cinema as in art center {LACDA (Los Angeles Center of Digital Arts) / Museum of Contemporary Art - Washington DC, Centre Pompidou - Paris...}. His narrative themes are absence, traces, dissolution, disappearance.
His book "Lettres Kazakhes" edited by the Editions Intervalles in November 2007 is an epistolary novel illustrated by Guillaume Reynard. It is a love story, a story of absences, an open window to an unknown country.
In August 2008, a retrospective of his films has been presented at the Open Cinema International Film Festival in St-Petersburg, Russia.
In june 2010, a retrospective of his films has been presented at the Forum des images in Paris.
His feature film "Sotchi 255" received the Georges de Beauregard National Prize at the FIDMarseille 2010.

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